Friday, December 4, 2020

Nov2020- Monthly Finance and portfolio dividend/interest update

In the month of Nov, my monthly dividend/interest received is around 2.4k. This is one of the lowest monthly passive income received in the last 4 years. This is pretty much due to re-balancing of my portfolio in 2020 to cut most of my riskier counters. In replacement, I have bought mostly large cap index stock from LSE and HKSE. I believe these purchase will bear fruit next year as they are showing strong rebound in stock price and provide a more resilient dividend. In comparison to last month, my portfolio rebound by more than 60k and reduce my YTD unrealized loss to 2.9% without factoring in my dividend. With dividend, my YTD portfolio will still be positive.

My YTD dividend/interest received from my investment is about $51.7K. Currently , I am still projecting a full year of 56k dividend with one more month left in 2020. Throughout 2020, I sold off some of my riskier investment and incur a realized loss of 35k .  I should be able to maintain positive return for year 2020 with probably one more big write off (Lippo Mall reit) before end of the year. The entire 2020 pandemic crisis actually taught me a lesson to buy only quality company and not to chase after high yield.  

I have another bond worth 5K USD that was called this month. It is creating a headache for me as I could not find any bond to reinvest. Due to the record high bond market, bond yield rate like our bank deposit interest has been dismally low. The return from bond investment is so low that it is out weighting the risk.

With the extra cash I have received from callable bonds in the last 2 months. I continue to add some dividend stocks like Fortune Reit (HKSE) and GSK (LSE) as they have been providing attractive and safe yield.  I also bought around SGD10k  of CICT and SGD10K of UtdHampshire reit. In total, I have put in around $256k for 2020 investment while selling about $240k..I hope to build a more robust portfolio for 2021 and beyond to raise my dividend.interest income to go beyond 60k per annual.

Dividends received in Nov2020 from Foreign Investment (Stocks): USD $1113
Interest received in Nov2020 from Foreign Investment (bonds): USD $427
Interest received in Nov2020 from banks interest/FD/others in US: USD $362
Realized gain/loss : USD: 0
Dividends received in Nov2020 from SGX:SGD$89
Interest received in Nov2020 from banks interest/FD/others in Spore: SGD $212
SGX Realized gain/loss: -SGD 1539
Total dividend and interest from my investment portfolio + bank/money market account + trading gain/loss generated in Nov2020 SGD$1333
YTD Passive income earned from investment only: SGD $51,702
YTD Realized Gain/Loss : -SGD35,219

2020 Transaction Summary:

Monthly Dividend/Interest earned Y-to-Y changes from 2017 to 2020:

 Detailed Dividend/Interest received from investment portfolio in Nov2020 :

Liquid Networth distribution: 


  1. Hi, had being following your blog, and saw you had BPY in your US port. This is the first time I got dividend from BPY, but a check in IBKR report shows I got hit with a 15% WHT. Just wondering if you have 15% WHT this quarter also, or otherwise?

    1. You are looking at the wrong place. IB dividend accrual section will put a default 15% as BPY is a Canadian company. However, BPY is incorporated in Bermuda which has no WHT. However, there is some portion of income coming from Canada therefore the WHT is not fixed. BPY WHT varies every quarter and it seldom exceeds 5%.
      You should compute the actual dividend received and check the withholding tax section. The number should come closer to the below BPY tax information.

  2. Thanks, will check again on the pay date.
