As a result of volatile market throughout 2020 and dividend suspension/cut , most of my new positions have been bonds purchase. I purchased another 3 baby bonds which are recently listed in June and July. The bond purchase compliments some change in my retirement strategy to be as conservative as long as I have achieved a passive income that is more than my expense.
Dividends received in Jul2020 from Foreign Investment (Stocks): USD $1449
Interest received in Jul2020 from Foreign Investment (bonds): USD $1342
Interest received in Jul2020 from banks interest/FD/others in US: USD $434
Realized gain/loss : USD: 0
Dividends received in Jul2020 from SGX:SGD$413
Interest received in Jul2020 from banks interest/FD/others in Spore: SGD $225
SGX Realized gain/loss SGD: 0
Total dividend and interest from my investment portfolio + bank/money market account + trading gain/loss generated in Jul2020 SGD$4992
YTD Passive income earned from investment only: SGD $33861
YTD Realized Gain/Loss : -$42685
Detailed Dividend/Interest received from investment portfolio in Jul2020 :Liquid Networth distribution:
Monthly Dividend/Interest earned Y-to-Y changes from 2017 to 2020: