Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Feb 2020- Monthly Finance Update-Great dividend/interest incomes received but suffer huge paper loss

Feb 2020 is probably remember as the worst month for my portfolio which drop 6 % due to the Corona Virus Crisis which caused the fastest stock market correction in history.  Despite the doom and gloom in Feb, the only silver lining is that I am still receiving good dividend/interest incomes of about 6k while I wait out this storm.

I did trim down about 47k SGD of some of my retail reits SGX counter and another 11k USD of US reit to minimize the impact on the portfolio early Feb. However, I was too slow to sell some of my MLP which are Oil & Gas related. I think the O&G industry will suffer huge impact like reit and travel stocks which could drag out for a year. I will probably put a hold on selling of any MLP since most of these are preferred stocks which generate great dividend. I will pace out my buying throughout the next few month to avoid catching a falling knife and not knowing when the bottom will hit. It will probably be a good opportunity to add high quality dividend stocks instead of relying on too many reits in my portfolio to generate income.

Dividends received in Feb2020 from Foreign Investment: USD $1605
Interest received in
Feb2020 from Foreign Investment (bond): USD $1071
Interest received in
Feb2020 from banks interest/FD/others in US: USD $365
Realized gain/loss : USD: $168

Dividends received in
Feb2020 from SGX:SGD$2028
Interest received in
Feb2020 from banks interest/FD/others in Spore: SGD $210
SGX Realized gain/loss SGD: -$456

Total dividend and interest from my investment portfolio + bank/money market account + trading gain/loss generated in Jan2020 SGD$6115

YTD Passive income earned from investment only: SGD $10014
Dividend/Interest received from investment portfolio:


Liquid Networth distribution:

Risk assessment- My liquid net worth is around 1.6 million with about 530K  in cash and 515k in bonds. I believe my portfolio is conservative enough to weather the storm.

Monthly Dividend/Interest earned Y-to-Y changes from 2017 to 2020: 



  1. Replies
    1. I sold only about 800 shares still keeping 1600..It is too late to sell now
