February Dividend/interest received is about SGD $5.66k.
YTD Networth growth: 1.84%
February was a tough month with the Ukraine war starting on the last week resulting in 13k of gain in my portfolio being wiped off in 1 week. Ytd Investment gain is dragged down and will probably go to negative in March. However, my ytd net worth growth has increased due to salary and bonus being credited in month of February. This has increased my war crest significantly for March deployment.
In February , I did quite a few trade to rebalance my portfolio. On the SGX front, I sold off 22k SGD of Cromwell Reit just before the war started to reduce my exposure in Europe. About 18.86k deployed into MIT, FCT , CLCT and Areit-I in the last week of Feb. I have another $3k leftover for increasing my stake into more SGX Reit.
On the overseas market, I sold off about 19.7k USD of my company RSU and deployed 20K into more dividend stocks on US market ,namely LGGNY, IMMBY, EPD and JEPI. My company stock does not pay dividend so switching into more dividend stocks in my portfolio will help to sit through the market crisis due to Ukraine war in the coming month
I have also added about 8.8k USD on BABA after analyzing the business is still growing despite many headwinds it is facing. I will own a small stake of 100 BABA shares and this will be a long term investment to have an ecommerce counter in my portfolio. Even though, Alibaba is not a dividend stock but its management willingness to buy back share due to perceived undervaluation is another catalyst I am buying Alibaba.
The rebalancing of my portfolio will boost my annual dividend income close to 77.3K in 2022.
Dividends received in Feb2022 from Foreign Investment (Stocks): USD $1433
Interest received in Feb2022 from Foreign Investment (bonds): USD $706
Interest received in Feb2022 from banks interest/FD/others in US: USD $337
Realized gain/loss : USD 0
Dividends received in Feb2022 from SGX: SGD $2578
Interest received in Feb2022 from banks interest/FD/others in Spore: SGD $191
SGX Realized gain/loss: Nil
Total dividend and interest from my investment portfolio + bank/money market/retirement account + trading gain/loss generated in Feb2022 : SGD$6091
Feb2022 Dividend earned from investment account only: SGD $5445
Counters from my investment portfolio contributing to monthly Dividend/Interest in Feb2022 :
2017 to 2022 Monthly Dividend/Interest earned from Investment Portfolio :
Liquid Networth distribution: